The necromancer is a tall, slender man, cujo porte transmite uma aura de poder sombrio. Her pale skin contrasts sharply with the darkness of her robes. Ele usa uma roupa preta imponente e detalhada, reminiscent of punk aesthetics, but with a mechanical touch. The garment is adorned with gears and metallic details, which seem to have been incorporated to hone their necromantic skills. The concept of the necromancer's entire body is complex and intriguing. His shoulders are narrow and slender, But his poise denotes an impressive confidence. His long, lean fingers have rings with arcane symbols that evidence his expertise in manipulating life and death. The dark space mercenary outfit adds a dose of mystery and adventure to the necromancer's look. Amid the darkness of space, He stands out as a mysterious and menacing figure. The Anime Art Style Trigger reveals striking features on his face, com olhos grandes e expressivos. The necromancer's eyes are an intense green, with black sclera that give them a supernatural appearance. Uma cicatriz vertical atravessa seu olho direito, adding an element of cruelty and mystery. Uma cicatriz horizontal corta a metade inferior de seu rosto, remembering the battles he faced and the darkness that surrounds him. Seus cabelos negros caem em mechas desgrenhadas, acrescentando um toque desafiador e crustpunk ao seu estilo. An aura of dark energy seems to envelop him as he manipulates the forces of life and death, tornando-o uma figura verdadeiramente imponente e assustadora na fantasia que habita. His presence is as complex as his robes, portraying a character who dominates the darkness and arouses fascination and fear in those who cross his path.
"Criar uma imagem de um close-up representado de uma criatura humanoide, Egypt Extraterrestrial God in futuristic robe A fusion of being a warrior and an albino lion, which encapsulates the majesty of the Egyptian gods and a futuristic aesthetic. The lion's head has intense blue eyes that convey cosmic wisdom, com uma juba que flui como um vento estelar. Adornado com uma armadura dourada detalhada, full of hieroglyphics and star symbols, This being also wears a futuristic crown. A cosmic aura surrounds the high, Corpo elegante, exuding a sense of divinity and extraterrestrial mystery. Concentre-se no rosto e na parte superior do corpo deste ser divino-guerreiro em formato de retrato, placing it in a setting between spiral galaxies and nebulae. A cena deve exibir raios de energia e efeitos de movimento na juba e capa, giving an extraordinary dynamic to your pose. Keeping the essence of your previous request, crie uma cena intensa de batalha, Capturing a moment of strength, coragem e poder. Epic lighting highlights every detail of the intricate armor, while the immersive environment adds depth to the scene. The final image should convey a harmonious fusion between the Egyptian deity, Formidable warrior and extraterrestrial being, with an aura of mystery and power. Maintain the sense of movement and dynamic pose to create an impactful depicted close-up that embodies courage and grandeur."
Pintura de uma raposa com cabelos brancos sentada em um galho?ethereal fox?Raposa de Nove Caudas?Three-tailed fox?arte detalhada onmyoji?nove caudas?a beautiful artwork illustration?Mythological creatures?raposa?bela arte digital?exquisite digital illustration?Mizutsune , Inspired by the mythical creature Wildnet?Arte digital no Pixiv?luzes fortes?alto contraste?tema de filme de terror?atmosfera escura?Estrutura corporal completa
Gere uma imagem detalhada da personagem Mara, also known as 'Mara Death Dealer', do jogo Call of Duty: Guerra moderna. Describe its appearance, in a bikini, corpo escultural, flowing hair, Equipamento, personality and any other relevant information that makes her an iconic character in the game."
Mulher de armadura com capa, poderosa e muito bonita, segurando uma foice super detalhada ((anime)) ((segurando uma foice detalhada)) and attached to a chain full of blades, a chain attached to the base of the sickle, com um anel de pedra de roseta nela dedo, She's in an enchanted forest, observing the rose petals that reflect cosmic space in their colors, the rose is emitting light. (Secondary characteristics), Dominante, Melhor qualidade, Cabelos curtos ruivo fogo brilhantes, Alta qualidade, lifelike lighting, 8k, Textura natural da pele, Texturas 4k, Adobe Lightroom, Photolab, HDR, Intrincado, elegante, altamente detalhado, foco n�tido, detalhes insanos, detalhes intrincados, hiperdetalhado, cinematiclight, atmosfera externa, rosto limpo, (((White and red latex armor (story: 1.5)))), ((olhos cinzento-prateados- ((sci -fi )), ((sci-fi)), ((cabelo curto))
curar, Deusa da morte, nordic mythology, Scarlet sorceress with a tiara with several blades on her head, colar de caveiras, Arte em estilo Guviz, Ross Tran 8 K, uma bela imperatriz fantasia, 8k arte detalhada de alta qualidade, Arte digital altamente detalhada em 4k, Retrato da rainha das trevas, wielding several pointed swords, Fundo de cinzas e fogo, pequenos pontos de brasa quente ao fundo, Vestido composto por caveiras e laminas,