The setting takes place in a quiet and organized room. The table where the boy is sitting is a wooden desk, posicionada junto a uma parede branca. A table lamp with a soft light is lit, directing the proper lighting to the study space. O garoto, com cerca de 14 anos, is sitting in an ergonomic chair, with your feet firmly resting on the ground. He wears comfortable clothes, like a t-shirt and pants, and her hair is combed in a simple way. His facial expression is serious and focused, indicating that he is fully immersed in the study. Na frente do garoto, there's a laptop open and working. The monitor displays a page from a learning application or an educational website, with graphics, text and exercises related to the topic he is studying. O garoto usa um teclado e um mouse para interagir com o computador, making notes in a notebook next to it as you progress through the material. Sobre a mesa, there are some textbooks stacked, a notepad with colored pens and a glass of water to stay hydrated during the study. A wall clock on the opposite wall marks time, lembrando-o de administrar seu tempo de estudo de maneira eficiente. The room is quiet, com apenas o som suave do teclado do computador e o ocasional zumbido do ventilador do laptop. The window curtains are partially closed, filtrando a luz natural que entra, creating a pleasant and conducive atmosphere for concentration. --auto --s2