During the Ice Age era, the earth was covered in thick ice and a cold climate enveloped the entire planet. Bleak scenes are everywhere, not a single green land, only desolate ice fields and icebergs.
Cold temperatures make it impossible for most organisms to survive, and only a few species adapted to extreme conditions survive in this world. White snowflakes cover all the landscape, creating a world of purity and silence.
There is very little life on the continent, and only some mammals and birds adapted to the icy environment can survive in such conditions. White polar bears roam the ice fields in search of rare food. Their skin and thick layer of fat help them withstand the cold and survive.
Glaciers and icebergs formed spectacular landscapes during this era. Huge blocks of ice move slowly, scraping the surface, creating deep valleys and fjords. Icy water flows through the glacier, creating spectacular waterfalls and lakes.
In this bleak world, the human presence is almost negligible. They can only survive on primitive tools and techniques, searching for scarce food and water. They live in humble caves, keeping themselves away from the cold wind and snow. Frozen flying machines, aliens, aliens, females