Beautiful woman, com orelhas de raposa, cabelos brancos longos, olhos azuis-turquesa, voluptuous and sensual physical appearance, usando roupas cheias de sexualidade estilo antiga xanxia, sitting at ease on golden cushions, sipping his tea with an arrogant expression, sua cauda vistosa exibida tranquilamente, in a beautiful imperial garden, cena de sensualidade plena, illuminated by the full moon in the sky.
NSFW, obra-prima, melhor qualidade, ultra-detalhado, semi-realista, detailedfacialfeatures,12 mulheres,,usando roupa antiga chinesa hunfa wuxia, long red hair up to the waist,olhos escuros sedutores, voluptuous female, grandes seios,large dragon horns, roupa vermelha de uma imperatriz,arrogante e bonita,sentada de forma imponente em um trono rodeado de pequenas serpentes,holding in his left hand a majestic spear ,belicosa.
Steampunk, Batman, Batman em estilo steampunk, vestido com roupa steampunk, roupa do Batman com visual steampunk, Wearing the Batman mask, Mask with steampunk look, mask covering the upper part of the face, mascara Batman, capacete do Batman, helmet covering eyes and head, cabelos pretos, cabelos curtos, visual masculino, visual steampunk, Do filme Batman, Ryan Renolds como Batman, Batman, O Batman, Mecha do Batman, Batman com armas, Arkham, em Batman, detalhe realista, estilo realista, colorido, cinemactic, ultra real�stic, Very high detail, detailed facial features, fotorrealista, melhor qualidade, (8k), ambiente faroeste, full body, steampunk, masculino, forma masculina, Closed uniform with buttons, colete antigo, camisa antiga, Vintage, sobretudo antigo, corpo coberto, Body with male proportions, nineteenth century, era vitoriana
There is a rabbit?Chinese round fan in hand, Rabbit, A rabbit, White rabbit, Rabbit_Bunny,, anthropomorphic rabbit, the white rabbit, With a fan, Rabbit ears, A rabbit in Hanfu, Wearing ancient Chinese clothes, White Hanfu, Traditional Chinese clothing, with acient chinese clothes, full-body xianxia, Chinese style, Chinese costume, inspired by Gu An, Princesa chinesa antiga, 8K))inspired by Kanbun Master, in style of hayao miyazaki, rabbit face only, studio ghibli filter, edgBunny_Character