Melquisedeque, an Elder Whitebeard Lord, King of Salem, meets Abraham also an old gentleman with a white beard that gives him tithingRealistic Digital Illustration, Tipo de imagem: Ancient hero, estilo de arte: Realismo Antigo, Inspired by historical artists Michelangelo and Jean-Leon Gerome, Camera shot: heroic pose, camera lens: 70mm, vista : frente, prestar: octane rendering, The lighting: luz solar radiante, resolution: 8k, altamente detalhado, Tipo de cor: Tons terrosos, Cena na arquitetura hebraica antiga, Representing Judaism((Art Station Art Ancient Hero, Realismo Antigo) mportant: Ele transmite muita paz com um rosto doce e bonito))), He wears an Off-White Old Hebrew Tunic, Ele tem cabelo comprido e barba, your head is uncovered,