Um homem com barba rala, por fazer, fora de forma, in robes characteristic of a psychiatric hospital patient, White T-shirt without prints and blue cotton long pants, facial expression of absolute terror and panic. Olhando diretamehnte para frente. The man is in a hospital corridor with some lights burned and others on. The atmosphere is horror movie. O homem deve passar um ar de medo e incredulidade, como se estivesse frente a frente com algo sobrenatural, como um fantasma aterrorizante. facial expression of fear, psychotic gaze. As cores devem ser vibrantes e contrastantes, como os de Alphonse Mucha. Os detalhes devem ser delicados e complexos, como o de Mucha;. The strokes should be thick and almost erased, como estampas de arte de rua. The lines that delimit the shapes should privilege coarser and straighter angles.
na Caverna Escura, John discovers the seven golden seals for the first time. The scene is filled with a mysterious atmosphere, como se algo divino estivesse prestes a ser revelado. The main focus of the scene is the seven golden seals. They emit a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating the surrounding darkness. The stamps are exquisitely crafted, with intricate patterns and symbols that suggest their ancient and sacred origins. Eles brilham com um brilho sobrenatural, cativando qualquer um que coloque os olhos sobre eles. The cave is vast, with towering walls stretching into the depths of darkness. Estalactites penduradas no teto, casting strange shadows on the ground. The air is heavy with a sense of anticipation and ancient power. Mysterious symbols and writings adorn the walls, Insinuando o enigma das focas. Uma fonte de luz fraca e cintilante, possivelmente uma lanterna velha, casts long shadows that dance and sway, increasing the sense of mystique. Rays of light penetrate through cracks in the walls of the cave, illuminating dust particles suspended in the air, creating an ethereal and almost magical environment. John stands in awe at the seals, seu rosto iluminado por seu brilho dourado. The expression on his face is a mixture of emotion, reverence, e uma pitada de medo. Ele pode sentir o imenso poder contido nos selos, e o peso da responsabilidade que vem com o desvendamento de seus segredos. The color tone of the scene is dominated by deep blue tones and subtle touches of gold, highlighting the mysterious and divine aura that permeates the cave. The lighting is low, acentuando o jogo entre luz e sombra, evocando um sentido de mitologia antiga e conhecimento oculto. When John reaches out to touch one of the seals, Um sussurro suave enche o ar, carrying a cryptic message that only he can hear. The cave seems to hold your breath, building anticipation for what lies beyond the closed gates. Geral, a cena na caverna escura onde John descobre o serne
**Nome:** Vazgor, o Devorador de Almas **allure:** Vazgor is a formidable creature, his form projecting an aura of terror and darkness. Its height is equal to that of Gromar, but his figure is slender and sinister. His skin is completely black, absorvendo a luz ao seu redor. He is devoid of human traits, presenting a monstrous and terrifying appearance. Your body is thin, mas musculoso, com uma pele que parece ser feita de sombras vivas. He has sharp claws on his hands and feet, prontas para retalhar seus inimigos. Seus olhos, vermelhos como brasas ardentes, they shine with a menacing intensity, revelando sua sede por almas. Uma aura escura e nebulosa envolve Vazgor, exuding an aroma of desolation and anguish. It emanates a palpable sense of power and chaos, fazendo com que os que o enfrentam sintam o terror instintivo que ele inspira. His figure is covered in ancestral marks, ancient symbols that seem to pulsate with an evil energy. As you move, His presence seems to distort the space around him, creating a sense of disturbance in reality. Vazgor is the embodiment of darkness and destruction, um ser que existe para consumir almas e propagar o medo. His appearance is a testament to his terrifying nature and his position as one of the most fearsome in the world of Mortal Kombat.
Um homem com aproximadamente 30 anos de idade, cabelos e barba escuros, barba rala, por fazer, fora de forma, in robes characteristic of a psychiatric hospital patient, White T-shirt without prints and blue cotton long pants, facial expression of absolute terror and panic. Olhando diretamente para frente. The man is in a hospital corridor with some lights burned and others on. The atmosphere is horror movie. O homem deve passar um ar de medo e incredulidade, como se estivesse frente a frente com algo sobrenatural, como um fantasma aterrorizante. facial expression of fear, psychotic gaze. As cores devem ser vibrantes e contrastantes, como os de Alphonse Mucha. Os detalhes devem ser delicados e complexos, como o de Mucha;. The strokes should be thick and almost erased, como estampas de arte de rua. The lines that delimit the shapes should privilege coarser and straighter angles.