description: Generate an image of Harley Quinn with totally African characteristics, incluindo pele escura, cabelo cacheado e colorido, in a battle setting in a vibrant, action-packed city.
Instructions for generating the image:
1. A Arlequina deve ser representada como uma mulher africana, with dark skin and facial features that reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the African continent.
2. Seu cabelo deve ser naturalmente cacheado, com cachos definidos e cheios, e colorido com tons vibrantes, como azul, rosa, verde ou roxo, combinando harmoniosamente com sua pele escura.
3. A Arlequina deve estar vestindo um traje inspirado na personagem original, with a predominance of black and red colors, but with details and elements that value the richness of African cultural traditions.
4. She is to be depicted in a battle setting in a lively city, com elementos urbanos e arquitetura marcante, highlighting the dynamic and energetic environment.
5. Harley Quinn must be wielding a baseball bat with attitude and confidence, demonstrating your courage and combat skills amidst the action scenario.
6. O cabelo cacheado e colorido deve ser um dos destaques da imagem, emphasizing the expression of their unique and authentic identity, as well as reinforcing his endearing personality.
Lembrete: Certifique-se de representar a cultura africana de forma respeitosa e positiva, avoiding stereotypes and cultural appropriation. Celebrate strength, Harley Quinn's resilience and determination, providing inclusive and empowering representation.
Dica: Use sensory descriptions to enrich the image, destacando a textura do cabelo, os detalhes do traje, the determined facial expression and intensity of the battle scene in the vibrant city.
After the image is generated, consider making adjustments or reiterating instructions to ensure an outcome that celebrates African representation and Harley Quinn's strength amidst the action and adventure in the exciting city.