ela tem os cabelos brancos na altura do ombro, os olhos amarelos, ela usa camiseta preta , black pant, e botas de cano curto, e um sobretudo amarelo com capuz baixo, e sonha toda noite o mesmo sonho, She dreams that she is flying on top of her bed, e que seu gato preto possui voz humana, ela acorda toda vez no mesmo local, a field of sunflowers, and he always sees in his mind the silhouette of the most sinister young man, and these boys are in danger and every time ARYENDELL tries to help them the beautiful field of sunflowers, It starts to catch fire and opens a portal that sucks everyone in......, and at this crucial point in the dream Aryendell wakes up not knowing where he is. And what intrigues her most is that she never wakes up in the same place, and the most mysterious thing is that in one of the pockets of Aryendell's coat appear frachuras and sunflower leaves, sem falar no cheiro estranho que percorre suas roupas;.
guttonervision8, A lively and entertaining illustration of a man wearing elegant glasses, his face characterized by clear contours and animated expressions. A obra mostra o sujeito vestindo uma camiseta preta da moda, adicionando um toque de modernidade ao visual do personagem. Created in a classic 2D cartoon style, A arte apresenta linhas ousadas e cores vibrantes, dando vida ao personagem. O fundo branco aumenta o foco no homem, making you the center of attention in this delightful illustration.