a skeletonized man with pieces of flesh hanging from his bones, His skull is covered in rocks and ice, Escultura intrincada, wearing a face mask, bright eye sockets, vestindo uma coroa azul congelada, obra-prima, melhor qualidade, detalhes intrincados, Absurdo, Use a high resolution, como 500 DPI (pontos por polegada) ou maior. This will ensure that each element of the image is rendered clearly and sharply, allowing the reproduction of minute details. Texturing: Pay special attention to the texture of the objects or surfaces present in the image. Use advanced texturing techniques to faithfully represent the specific characteristics of each element, como pelos de animais, skin wrinkles or roughness of a surface. Shading and lighting: Apply realistic shading and lighting to create depth and scaling in the image. Use fictional light sources to add realism to objects and characters, considerando os efeitos de luz e sombra em diferentes partes da imagem. detalhes finos: Foque em capturar os detalhes mais sutis, as small facial expression lines, texturas de pele, detalhes de folhagem ou pelo de animais. Use hyper-realistic drawing techniques to convey these small elements that make a difference in image perception. Cores e tons: Pay attention to the accurate reproduction of the colors and tones of the image. Use a rich and varied color spectrum to ensure a faithful representation of the elements present in the scene. Also consider the relationship of colors and contrasts to create a sense of realistic depth.