The setting unfolds on the edge of a tranquil creek on July 12, 1917. It's midsummer, and the sun shines brightly in the cloudless sky. A luz solar incide sobre a paisagem, iluminando cada detalhe e criando uma atmosfera calorosa e serena. The creek meanders gently through a lush, paisagem verdejante. The bank of the creek is adorned by dense vegetation, with green-leaved trees and shrubs leaning into the water. The leaves of the trees sway gently in the gentle summer breeze. The water of the creek is clear and tranquil, reflecting the blue of the sky and the green of the surrounding vegetation. Pequenas pedras e seixos formam o fundo do riacho, providing a sense of serenity and tranquility. Some wildflowers at the water's edge add touches of soft color to the scene. The color palette is dominated by the lush green tones of the vegetation, accentuated by the blue tones of the sky and the water of the creek. The sunlight creates a sense of warmth and tranquility in the scene, evoking the serenity of summer.