A watercolor painting of a mountain and trees
ink and watercolor painting?Dessiner sur papier de riz?Use thick, Light ink to create shading variations and layers?Choose the right ink color?Comme le noir profond?Thick grey?Light coffee, etc?Express different situations and atmospheres?Control the gradient and transition of ink color by ink moisture and consistency?mont?Eau?Les arbres?Flocons de neige volant dans le ciel?Surface du lac?Small broken boat?ablette, desolate, Nous avons?A huge full moon rises on the horizon?Eventide?Plan large?Clair de lune frais?Tons noir et blanc?The background is a snowy scene, There are dead trees on both sides of the picture? Traditional Chinese Ink Painting, art traditionnel chinois, auteur?Guo Xi, auteur?Ma Yuanyu, Peinture traditionnelle chinoise, auteur?Hirsute, auteur?Create Mu, auteur?Yang Buzhi, auteur?Li Kela, auteur?Gu An, Blotting of ink painting ) ) ) ), India ink painting, Style de peinture chinoise