A man with a helmet and a man in a helmet
Hello, IA criativa! I would like an 8k image for the cover of my ebook called 'Fantastic Stories', which features a collection of exciting and futuristic stories in the science fiction genre. The image should reflect the sense of mystery, Adventure and technological elements present in the stories. The main colors I would like to highlight in the image are: Blue Space: Enfatize um azul escuro ou azul profundo para criar um ambiente espacial sideral, conveying a sense of exploration and wonder. silver metallic: Include silver elements to add a futuristic, technological touch to the image, referring to advanced machines and futuristic devices. verde neon: Use neon green or acid green details to represent high-tech elements, adding a modern and electrifying look to the cover. Cosmic Purple: Introduza tons de roxo, especialmente em tons mais escuros, evoking cosmic elements, mystery and power, reflecting the theme of science fiction. Energia Vermelha: Adicione toques de vermelho vibrante ou vermelho-fogo para representar energia, Action and intensity, Providing a dynamic and exciting touch to the cover. I would like the image to present an intriguing and visually stunning scene that would pique the curiosity of readers and transport them to the world of fantasy and adventure that awaits them in the pages of the ebook. Feel free to explore science fiction concepts, technological and spatial elements to create a unique and captivating composition.