The hybrid cat should have an adorable and cute appearance, com um pequeno nariz rosa e grandes olhos expressivos. Your coat should be a combination of different shades of gray, Preto e branco, com texturas suaves e macias. He must be dressed in a mechanic's outfit, which includes overalls, luvas e touca. The jumpsuit should be of a dark blue shade, with various tools and pockets attached to it. The cat should be wearing a white T-shirt underneath the overalls, with a bright orange bow tie tied around his neck. As luvas devem ser de couro marrom e as botas devem ser de um tom escuro de azul. A tampa deve ser de tecido azul escuro, with a white and black machine shop logo embroidered on the front. The cat should be holding a screwdriver and a screwdriver in his hands, como se estivesse trabalhando em um motor. The setting should consist of a garage or machine shop, with various tools and car parts around. O gato deve estar ao lado de um carro, trabalhando em seu motor. O carro deve ser retratado como um carro antigo, com detalhes em cromado e uma carroceria brilhante. The drawing should have an air of fun and cuteness, with the hybrid cat portrayed as a skilled and dedicated mechanic. Use brilhante, vibrant colors to bring the design to life and make it captivating. Be sure to capture the cat's adorable and confident personality, making it instantly recognizable and captivating.