Post-Flood Beginning: Imagine a scene of post-flood desolation, with receding waters and Noah along with his family emerging from the ark. There may be a rainbow in the sky, symbolizing God's covenant with mankind. Povos da Terra Reunidos: Visualize a wide landscape with people of different ethnicities and clothing gathering on a plain. They are excited and full of hope to start over. City Construction and Tower: Cenas de pessoas trabalhando juntas para erguer uma cidade antiga, usando tijolos, argamassa e gruas rudimentares. The tower is gradually taking shape against the horizon. Tower Reaching for the Heavens: A representation of the colossal tower rising towards the sky, talvez com nuvens circundantes e um sol poente, to highlight the ambition and pride of the builders. Deus Observando: A heavenly figure observing the efforts of the peoples, with an air of concern and consideration. This may emphasize divine intervention in history. Language Confusion: Represente pessoas tentando se comunicar, but unable to understand each other. This can be visualized by people speaking in different languages and expressions of frustration. Dispersion of People: Scenes of people abandoning the unfinished construction of the tower and walking away in groups, each group speaking a different language. This emphasizes the dispersion caused by the confusion of languages. Humility and Collaboration: Represente pessoas de diferentes origens trabalhando juntas, compartilhando ideias e construindo coisas em harmonia. This highlights the message of humility and collaboration. Arrogance and Collapse: Create a symbolic image of a tower about to fall, reflecting the danger of arrogance. Pessoas se aglomerando em torno da torre, But it's cracking and crumbling. Humility Lesson: An image that depicts the central message of the story: um grupo diversificado de pessoas trabalhando juntas, with a spirit of humility and cooperation. Lembre-se de que, for a video on YouTube, is important