A cartoon of a woman in a green garment
estilo de Rush Royale. Cultista se houver 1 - 3 cultistas vizinhos, recebe a capacidade de atacar alvos adicionais.The number of additional targets is equal to the number of neighboring cultists. se houver 4 cultistas vizinhos, Get double damage and area damage with the color green. Cultists receive green souls when they merge or make a sacrifice. Cada alma aumenta o dano cultista em 1%. When the number of souls reaches 20, A cultist in the form of a demon turns into a harbinger, o que aumenta sua velocidade de ataque em 15%. When a Sacrifice is activated, each destroyed Cultist cleans 3 random Cultists of a negative effect and increases their damage by 10% para 10s. A cultist in the form of a harbinger increases his damage by 5% para cada cultista em campo, incluindo Harbingers. Ao atacar bolas de fogo verdes, Harbinger cria um abismo verde ardente para 2s. O abismo verde oferece 100% do dano do Cultista a cada 0.4s e reduz a armadura de monstros em 25%. There can only be one green chasm in the field at a time.