Draw a thrilling scene of cavemen watching an irrigation system being used to cultivate fertile land, showing their curiosity and understanding of the importance of water in agriculture, Create an artistic representation of cavemen exchanging wonderful looks when seeing crops in different stages of growth, highlighting his perception of the natural order of agriculture, Illustrate the curiosity of cavemen as they study and interact with seeds and farming tools, revealing his fascination with this new way of getting food, Draw an image that depicts the expression of wonder on the cavemen's faces as they observe the teamwork required to plant and harvest the food, enfatizando o aspecto coletivo da agricultura, Create a scene that highlights the contrast between the nomadic life of cavemen and the stability provided by agriculture, showing your appreciation for this transformative change, Illustrate the interaction of cavemen with domesticated animals, como cabras ou porcos, which were also discovered as part of the agricultural experiment, reflecting their perception of the connections between nature and agriculture, Draw an artistic depiction of cavemen eating the firstfruits of their harvest, showing their satisfaction and joy at the discovery of agriculture as a stable source of food, Create an image that represents the changing lifestyle of cavemen after the discovery of agriculture, com acampamentos mais permanentes perto das terras cultivadas, symbolizing the beginning of human settlement and the development of farming communities.