A woman wearing a hat
Describe a girl with a delicate face and afro woman features. His green eyes are the highlight, ser bem detalhado e expressivo. The irises have vibrant shades of light brown, com um anel dourado ao redor da pupila. The eyelashes are long and curved, further enhancing the charming look. Your eyebrows are precisely defined, com cabelos bem cuidados e arqueados, highlighting facial expression. The makeup is soft, enhancing the natural beauty of the girl. Your skin is flawless, com uma textura suave e luminosa. The lips are delicate and proportional, com uma cor suave e natural. The image must be captured in high definition, providing a faithful representation of the girl in realistic photographic style." "tipo": "fotografia", "arte_Estilos": "Realistic", "arte_Inspirations": "fotografia de retrato, Fotografia de Moda", "Camera": "Canon EOS R5", "injection": "Close-up", "prestar_Relacionado_information": "The image must be captured with extreme precision and detail. Use suave, diffuse lighting to highlight the subtle details of the girl's face. Capte a textura do cabelo, destacando os reflexos nos fios escuros e cacheados. Pay attention to the smallest details, as the curvature of the eyelashes, the sparkle in the eyes and the softness of the lips. O foco deve estar nos olhos, transmitindo toda a expressividade e profundidade do olhar da menina. A imagem deve transmitir um senso de realismo e autenticidade, accurately portraying its unique and charming features, , Cheongsam