(crie uma manga) Em uma noite estrelada, em uma vila chamada Feltin, which was in the province of Ten north of the Kingdom of Stan, um homem estava pescando tranquilamente no Rio Zildron, que cortava toda a vila. He liked to admire the sky while waiting for the fish to bite the bait. De repente, ele viu uma estrela que brilhava mais do que as outras, but he noticed that it was moving rapidly towards the Earth. Ele ficou assustado e curioso ao mesmo tempo. - Um meteoro!? - ele exclamou, enquanto via o objeto luminoso atravessar a atmosfera da Terra. O objeto tinha um formato de cubo, 50 centimeters high and 50 centimeters wide. Object crossed the Earth's atmosphere toward a forest that lay north of Feltin, at a distance of 1 kilometer from where the man was. Logo depois de alguns segundos, o Homem ouviu um estrondo quando o meteoro atingiu o solo, criando uma cratera. He felt an irresistible urge to go there and see what that mysterious object was. Man rowed to the riverbank and ran through the forest, following the smoke coming out of the crater. Ele chegou ao local e ficou impressionado com o tamanho do buraco que o meteoro havia feito. The crater was about 12 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep. No centro da cratera, There was an open metal cube, como se fosse uma caixa. Dentro do cubo, There was a jewel 14 inches wide and 6 inches thick. The jewel was an intense blue and glowed as if it had a life of its own. The man couldn't take his eyes off the jewel. Ele desceu pela cratera e se aproximou do cubo. He reached out and touched the jewel, feeling a pleasant warmth. "How wonderful, " he murmured, hipnotizado. Logo depois, The jewel began to glow brighter and released a 700-volt electrical charge that went through the man's body. He let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground, morto. A joia parou de brilhar e ficou escura, como se tivesse consumido toda a sua energia. The silence v