A cartoon of a girl holding a banana and two owls on a branch
Certamente, Let's make the prompt even more specific: "Gere uma imagem altamente detalhada e realista que retrate a seguinte cena: - Uma jovem, aproximadamente 8 anos, com cabelos castanhos na altura dos ombros, vestindo uma camiseta rosa e shorts jeans. - The Girl Is Standing in a Lush, clareira florestal iluminada pelo sol. "She's holding a banana peel in her right hand and she's looking straight at an owl.. - A coruja, a standard brown owl with a white breast, is perched on a thick tree branch approximately 5 feet away from the girl. - The tree itself is a dark oak, casca texturizada e folhas verdes vibrantes. - Lighting should be warm and natural, with dim sunlight filtering through the treetops, creating soft shadows on the forest floor. - The girl's expression should convey curiosity and admiration, and his brown eyes should be clearly visible. - Os olhos da coruja devem estar afiados e atentos, refletindo a intriga da casca de banana. - A casca de banana deve aparecer parcialmente consumida, with visible tooth marks and a texture reminiscent of a real banana peel. - O fundo deve ser uma paisagem de floresta borrada, creating a sense of depth and immersion. - O ambiente geral deve ser tranquilo e convidativo, capturando a magia de um encontro na floresta. Make sure the image is of high quality, with attention to fine detail and realistic textures. A menina e a coruja devem ser os pontos focais da cena, and their interaction should be the central theme of the image."