1 mulher, with gears are attached to the head, master part, melhor qualidade, fotorrealista, melhor sombra, delicado, ....RAW, ultra high-resolution, Arte hiper-realista, gallery-grade work, Arte Oficial, wallpaper forced, 64 mil, ultra precise, visualmente impressionante, Obra-prima sublime, peak clarity, 1 enorme cidade Steampunk, High-rise buildings covered by behemoth-like mechanical devices, show a scene of sharp contrast, Uma camada de nuvens subindo desordenadamente sobre a cidade, Huge steampunk buildings, The surface is covered with complex gears and mechanical devices, (eyesight, full view, corpo inteiro:1.2), (Nas paredes da cidade Steampunk, 1 soldiers in strong mechanical armor, Handheld Steam Gun, Guard the safety of the city:1.2), Steampunk, dirigible, Steam robot,